Living in Dorset

Dorset Council provides community services based on the principles of quality, equity, value and responsiveness.

Visiting Dorset

Dorset has a unique blend of wilderness, wildlife, stunning scenery, mining heritage, secluded beaches and world class golf courses.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  •  After Hours: 1300 858 824

Business community in Dorset

Dorset Council is focused on providing support to potential investors to facilitate sustainable developments large and small.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  • After Hours 1300 858 824
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Our Natural Environment

Dorset is defined by a diverse array of terrestrial, freshwater, estuarine, coastal and marine habitats, each of which contains important flora and fauna species and ecosystems. The economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the community is underpinned by the capacity of the natural environment to support our needs.

Facts and figures

  • Native vegetation covers approximately fifty-four percent of Dorset's land area.
  • Some of the important vegetation communities in Dorset include rainforests, wet eucalypt forests, button grass plains, alpine moorlands, swamp forests, coastal heathland and saltmarsh.
  • Eighteen percent of the municipality is in conservation covenants or other secure reserves.
  • Two internationally listed Ramsar wetlands and twelve nationally listed DIWA wetlands are found in the municipality.
  • Ninety-four nationally listed threatened species are found in the municipality including wedge-tailed eagles, Tasmanian devils, and the Scottsdale burrowing crayfish.
  • Dorset's coastal areas and offshore islands provide habitat for many migratory birds species listed under international agreements such as JAMBA and CAMBA.

Conservation Areas

Dorset has many areas where our community can enjoy the natural environment. Some examples of these include Mt William National Park, Waterhouse Conservation Area, Granite Point Conservation area, Mt Cameron Regional Reserve and Mt Stronach Regional Reserve.

Benefits of native gardens

  • Help to maintain biodiversity by providing a space for rare or endangered plants.
  • Provide food, shelter and nesting habitat for native animals. Many birds and insects attracted to your garden will act as a natural pest control and increase pollination leading to better production.
  • Reduce water and fertiliser use if you use plants from your area that are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions.
  • Prevent introduced garden plants from invading the natural environment and becoming invasive weeds.
  • Enjoy the beauty of Dorset's native flora.

Things to consider

  • What native plants are suitable for my local conditions?
  • Should I buy my plants from a nursery or propagate them?
  • Are the plants I'm buying of local provenance?
  • How can I design my native garden for fire protection?
  • How can I design my native garden for minimal water use?

More native plant information

Bee Keeping

Urban beekeeping can be an enjoyable hobby, producing a healthy nutritious product for home consumption. Bee keeping is low risk to the human population, however, can cause community concern, especially by neighbours. Beekeepers must take special care so their bees do not become a nuisance to neighbours, or even appear to be a problem. Talk to your neighbours before establishing a hive.

As part of the implementation of the Biosecurity Act 2019 (the Act), beekeeping is now considered a ‘regulated dealing’ and under the Act, a person must not engage in a regulated dealing unless they are registered. Therefore, registration is now compulsory for all Tasmanian commercial and recreational beekeepers. This requirement was formalised in new Biosecurity Regulations 2022 which came into effect on 2 November 2022.

Fast Facts

  • You must register as a beekeeper in Tasmania if you keep bees commercially or for recreation.
  • Using the BeeTAS online portal you can register or renew your beekeeper registration, as well as manage and maintain your apiary site information and beekeeping activities.
  • As a registered beekeeper, you must comply with all conditions of registration including the Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice. If you have more than 50 hives you must perform annual honey testing and provide a certification of compliance.
  • If you have any questions about registering as a beekeeper in Tasmania, please email

BeeTAS Online Portal

Biosecurity Tasmania has implemented BeeTAS to assist beekeepers with managing their registrations.​ BeeTAS can be accessed here

The online system allows beekeepers to:

  • register or renew their registration;
  • maintain their apiary site information;
  • record inspection details, record hive purchases, disposals and hive movements; and
  • upload training certification and laboratory results.

The Tasmanian Beekeepers Association’s “Urban Beekeeping Code of Practice” aims to ensure that the keeping of honey bees does not have a negative impact on people, property, domestic animals or native flora or fauna.