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  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  • After Hours 1300 858 824

Posted 06 May 2024

Scheduled Maintenance | Memorial Tree Avenue, Ringarooma UPDATE

Public Notices

Thank you to community members who have provided feedback / comments on the proposed maintenance of the Ringarooma Memorial tree avenue.

Scheduled Maintenance | Memorial Tree Avenue, Ringarooma UPDATE

Council Officers and a qualified arborist met on site late last week to discuss the proposed maintenance. The outcome of that meeting is that maintenance will be postponed as further options need to be investigated.

These options are to ensure that the trimming undertaken reduces the encroachment on the public road while retaining the visual appeal of the avenue, with minimal maintenance.


Council will be undertaking scheduled maintenance to the avenue of memorial trees on Ringarooma Road, between Lovers Lane and the town boundary, at the end of May 2024.

Due to the trees growth spreading toward the public road edge, approximately 1 metre of foliage will be removed to ensure the safety of road users.

If you have any concerns regarding the scheduled maintenance, please contact the Council Depot on 03 6352 6510 by Friday 24 May 2024.