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Posted 22 August 2023

Briefing of Decisions | 21 August 2023 Council Meeting

Council Meetings

For further information on any of these items, please contact Commissioner Andrew Wardlaw (0408 766 019) or General Manager, Mr John Marik (03 6352 6500).

Briefing of Decisions | 21 August 2023 Council Meeting

Briefing of Decisions made at the Council Meeting held on 21 August at the Council Chambers

  • Received and noted the Instrument of Appointment ‘Dorset Council Commissioner’ issued by the Governor of Tasmania dated 2 August 2023, and approved a budget variation of $47,800 for the required remuneration payable to the Commissioner during the period of appointment.
  • Appointed Mr Ian Wright as Chairperson of the Dorset Council Audit Panel for a further two year term, expiring 17 November 2025, with a review to be undertaken on the composition and tenure of the Panel with the view of adding additional independent members in consultation with the Panel, and requested the General Manager to provide a report on this review by the November 2023 meeting.
  • Agreed to defer activity 18 ‘risk management framework and policy’ to the June 2024 quarter, with the current framework and policy to be presented at the next Council Workshop.
  • Adopted revised Policy No. 2 – Payment of Councillor Expenses and Provision of Facilities.
  • Endorsed the draft Priority Projects Plan 2023-2025 for a community consultation period of 28 days.
  • Noted the update on the proposed operating model for the Bridport Seaside Caravan Park, agreeing to formalise the proposed hybrid operating mode for the 2023/24 financial year, and approved a budget variation of $125,000 to commence implementation of this model, with a quarterly report to be provided in January 2024, April 2024 and July 2024.
  • Received an overview and update on the Local Government Investigation including the Board of Inquiry and acknowledged receipt of the Final Investigation Report and Attachments from the Director of Local Government, in the Closed Session portion of the Meeting.

The recording of the Council Meeting can be listened to below:

August Council Meeting Audio